Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ceftazidime Injection

Category: Antibiotics and Antiinfectives

Composition :250mg,500mg,1gm
Ceftazidime :It is a broad spectrum, third generation parenteral cephalosporin effective against many Gram negative organisms.
Indication :Serious infections of the respiratory tract, E.N.T, skin and soft tissue bone, and joints, biliary and G.I tract. U.T.I. Septicaemia, meningitis.infections in immuno compromised patients
Dosage :
Adults :1-6 gm daily in divided doses every 8 or 12 hrs
Children (Over 1yr):30-100 mg/kg body wt per day in 2-3 divided doses. Max 6 gm daily.
Contra-Indications :Hypersensitivity to penicillins or Cephalosporins
Special Precautions :Neonates and infants, renal of hepatic impairment, prolong use.

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